Women of Advent FAQs

What is Women of Advent?

Women of Advent is a quilt pattern, but it’s also a Bible study and a creative community exploring their faith through quilting – with forever access to all of these!

The quilt pattern includes 24 quilt blocks inspired by the women in the Bible who are included in the genealogy of Jesus and others who played their part in the redemptive narrative of the Bible leading up to the cross, which is block 25. The block patterns are released in batches of 6 each Monday through the month so that you can prepare and sew in your own timing throughout the week, and includes tutorials for the techniques used. The finished quilt measures 72″ x 72″. This is all held within a private online classroom on Teachable.

The Bible study is delivered through daily devotionals sent via email Monday – Saturday throughout the month. At the end of each week, they will be uploaded to the relevant week within the course.

The creative community is through a Facebook group, allowing us to share our thoughts on the women’s stories and the lessons we’ve learned, as well as sharing our quilt progress. Please note that if you’re not on Facebook, you will still get all the official content – this is an option for those who desire to be a part of the community sewing along.

How much fabric do I need?

The Women of Advent quilt is a unique pattern with such variety in the designs of the blocks, and it depends on your creative vision for your quilt – are you wanting each block to be more realistically coloured, or are you wanting a particular colour palette?

If you’re wanting the blocks to be more realistically coloured, then you’ll be using scraps and pulling out bits and pieces from your stash as you go for the prints. As a rough guide, most blocks use about a fat eighth of prints, with some using a bit more – the smallest piece is a 1 1/2″ square, the longest is 3 1/2″ x 12 1/2″.

If you would rather work within a colour palette and grab some fat quarters to pick and choose from, then I suggest about 20 fat quarters. Within that, choose 3-4 fat quarters each of 4-5 colours.

You will also need:

  • 4 1/4 yards (3.9m) background fabric; OR,
  • 3 yards (2.75m) background fabric plus 1 1/2 yards (1.4m) sashing fabric – if you would like the sashing fabric to be different from the blocks
  • 4 1/2 yards (4.2m) backing fabric
  • 5/8 yard (0.6m) binding fabric

The finished quilt measures 72″ x 72″.

What piecing techniques does it use? Is it beginner friendly?

There’s half-square triangles, simple curves, and stitch and flip (like flying geese). There are also options for applique or foundation paper piecing (FPP) for blocks that work well for those techniques as well.

I firmly believe any quilt is possible if you take it one step at a time, so if you have some confidence in yourself and know how to use a sewing machine, you could absolutely make this quilt. There’s tutorials for the three main techniques, and I’ll be there every step of the way to help with any questions.

Is there an option to just to do get the devotions if I don’t quilt?

There is indeed! You will receive the daily devotional emails, plus receive the full ebook version at the end, as well as access to the Facebook community group.